Welcome to the Chiefs of Ontario

Assembly Center

This Assembly Center maintains all meeting information for upcoming COO events,.

Upcoming Events

The Chiefs of Ontario and Nishnawbe Aski Nation are hosting an important meeting to provide updates on the Final Agreement on Long-Term Reform of the FNCFS Program in Ontario (Ontario Final Agreement), the Trilateral Agreement on Reforming the 1965 Agreement (Trilateral Agreement), and the Canadian Human Rights Tribunal (CHRT) case status.


Get the latest Chiefs of Ontario updates here

The Chiefs of Ontario Secretariat is proud to announce the launch of our tenth edition of Advocate, our bi-annual glossy magazine.

Over 3000 copies are printed with an estimated readership of over 8,100, distributed to all 633 First Nations across Canada with a large focus on Ontario, friendship centers, all PTO’s and various government agencies and advertisers.