Chiefs of Ontario
Languages and Education Forum
This website will be updated regularly. Please check back frequently for updates.
Meeting Materials
Bios and descriptions of the breakout sessions
Download the Agenda for the Languages and Education Forum.
Main Presentations and Overviews
Evolution of the Indigenous Languages Act
Ten key takeaways on Bill C-91
Bill C-91 a (co-) creation story
Amos Key Jr. and Ian Martin
Overview: Leadership Committee on Languages
Overview: Leadership Committee on Languages
Loretta Fox-Assinewai, COO Language & Culture Strategist
Overview: National Activity on Languages
Overview: National Activity on Languages
Angel Maracle, COO Education Program Lead
First Nations’ Language Rights in Education
First Nations’ Language Rights in Education
Dr. Lorena Fontaine
Looking Far Ahead for Anishinaabemowin: We Can Do It
Patricia Ningewance
Keynote: Keeping the Fire; How to Make and Change and Stay the Same
Jesse Wente
Keynote: Revolutionizing Canadian Education for Indigenous People
Riley Yesno
Overview: Post-Secondary Education
Overview: Post-Secondary Education
Johanna Mousseau-Krahn, COO Policy Analyst
Angel Maracle, COO Education Program Lead
Overview: Education Transformation
Overview: Education Transformation
Angel Maracle, COO Education Program Lead
Keynote: Two Eyed Seeing and the Gifts of Our People
Two Eyed Seeing and the Gifts of Our People
Dr. Pamela Rose Toulouse
Overview: First Nations Lifelong Learning Table
Overview: First Nations Lifelong Learning Table
Patrik Lowen, COO Education Program Lead
Breakout Sessions Day One - February 7th, 2023
kâniyâsihk: Sharing Teachings of the Land-Supporting nêhiyaw kiskinwahamâkêwin
Dr. Kevin Lewis
Onkwawenna Kentyohkwa Adult
Immersion: Creating Proficient Speakers of Kanyen'kéha
Jordan Brant
History of Anishinaabemdaa
Kenny Pheasant
Breakout Sessions Day Two - February 8th, 2023
Gtigaadang miinkaanensan
- planting seeds
Monty McGahey II
Language Assessment
Dr. Rhonda Hopkins
Osawamick G’Tigaaning Immersion Language Ranch
Beverly Noakwegijig, Nicole Van Stone & Elizabeth Osawamick
Language Learning Platform Anishnaabemodaa app
Mike Parkhill
Breakout Sessions Day Three - February 9th, 2023
Relationships with Provincial school boards
Debbie Terrance & Mia Francis IFN
Strategic Planning
Dr. Pamela Rose Toulouse
COO Education Sector Strategic Plan 2023 to 2027
Strategic Planning – Why taking the time to plan is more meaningful?
Review & Analysis of Systemic Gaps in K-12 Education
Kelly Gallagher-Mackay, Maria Y.M. Yau & Neil Debassige
Support Contact Information
For questions or further information, please contact Holly Golabek at holly.golabek@coo.org or Terri Kuula at terrikuula@coo.org