Chiefs of Ontario

Special Chiefs Assembly: Strength in Unity

This website will be updated regularly. Please check back frequently for updates.

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The Chiefs of Ontario will be hosting a Special Chiefs Assembly on October 10, 2024 in Toronto, ON, on the ancestral territory of many nations, including the Anishnabeg, Chippewa, Haudenosaunee, and Wendat peoples. Toronto is also part of Treaty 13, signed by representatives of the Crown and Mississaugas of the Credit, as well as the Williams Treaties, signed with various Mississauga nations. The SCA will focus on the draft Final Agreement (FA) related to the long-term reforms of the First Nations Child & Family Services (FNCFS) program.

Ontario First Nations Leadership will have the opportunity to learn more about proposed long-term reform and vote on the resolution to consider the approval of the FA.

The SCA is open to Chiefs and proxies. To vote, you must be a Chief or a designated proxy.

Proxies are required to fill out a proxy letter signed by their Chiefs and returned to Hayley Lucas, Interim Manager: Policy & Government Relations, at The Proxy Letter template is available below in Meeting Materials.

Date & Time:

  • October 10, 9:30 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. EST

Location: Chelsea Hotel Toronto, 33 Gerrard St W, Toronto, ON

Hybrid In-Person and Online

Registration: (Leadership is required to register to attend the SCA)

Upon registration, you will receive a Zoom link via email if you will be attending virtually.

Important notice: Please continue to check back regularly, as this site will be updated with important documentation leading up to the sessions.

Meeting Materials

  • SCA Agenda

    Download the COO SCA Agenda

  • SCA Proxy Letter

    Download the SCA Proxy Letter

  • Draft Resolution for LTR FA Ratification

    Download the Draft Resolution for LTR FA Ratification

  • LTR FA Summary Booklet

    Summary Booklet for the Long-Term Reform of the FNCFS Program Final Agreement

  • FAQ

    Frequently Asked Questions about the Long-Term Reform Final Agreement

  • AFN SCA Letter

    Download the AFN SCA Letter from National Chief Cindy Woodhouse Nepinak

Support Contact Information

  • For additional information , please email Tyler Gary, Communications Officer, Social Services Sector at