Chiefs of Ontario
First Nation Businesses Supply Chain Mapping and Procurement Project Engagement Sessions
This website will be updated regularly. Please check back frequently for updates.
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The Chiefs of Ontario Economic Development Sector with the support of Institute of Fiscal Studies and Democracy (IFSD) is hosting a series of engagement sessions on November 29 and December 6, 2023.
These discussions will focus on the current state of supply chains in First Nation businesses and the capacity and opportunities in procurement to advise the drafting of a current state assessment report.
Insights from participants will be crucial in shaping a specialized portal and map designed to house First Nation businesses to enhance their supply chain and procurement in First Nation communities across Ontario.
Dates and Locations:
November 29, 2023, Valhalla Hotel and Conference Centre, Thunder Bay, Ontario (Hybrid)
December 6, 2023, Chelsea Hotel, Toronto, Ontario (Hybrid)
Who should attend: First Nations Leadership, Economic Development Directors/Officers & First Nation Business Owners
Event Documents & Resources
Important notice:
Please continue to check back regularly as this site will be updated with important documentation leading up to the engagement sessions.
Please note that COO will cover travel and accommodation for one EcDev Director/Officer from each First Nations community.
Note that two identical events are being hosted for your convenience, covering the same topics. Therefore, there is no need to attend both. Please ensure you are registering for the event location that is most convenient for you.
Support Contact Information
For inquiries and more information please contact Sam Abtahi, at sam.abtahi@coo.org