Chiefs of Ontario
Ontario Caucus Sessions - Assembly of First Nations (AFN) Special Chiefs Assembly (SCA)
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The Chiefs of Ontario will host three (3) Ontario Caucus sessions, in a hybrid format, during the Assembly of First Nations (AFN)’s Special Chiefs Assembly (SCA) on Long-Term Reform of the First Nations Child and Family Services (FNCFS) Program.
The AFN SCA will focus on discussions and decision-making regarding the Draft Agreement related to the long-term reform of the FNCFS Program, where Chiefs and Proxies will have an opportunity to deliberate on and vote on the proposed reforms.
Dates & Times:
October 16, 2024: 7:00-8:30 a.m. MDT & 12:00-1:00 p.m. MDT
October 17, 2024: 7:30-9:00 a.m. MDT & 12:00-1:00 p.m. MDT
October 18, 2024: 7:30-9:00 a.m. MDT
Caucus Room Location: Palomino Room E-H, BMO Centre, Calgary, AB
Zoom Link: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/89046562127?pwd=8abVgTlyNww5Iwcti0qioyzdSLszbI.1
Important notice: The Chiefs of Ontario Social Sector encourages Ontario Leadership to register for and participate in the discussion and vote at the upcoming AFN SCA.
Registration and related documents can be found here: https://afn.ca/events/sca-fncfs/
Further, the AFN will book and pay for travel and accommodations for one Chief or Proxy from each First Nation to attend the SCA in Calgary. For travel and accommodations to be arranged and paid for, you must register through the AFN website. Hybrid attendance and voting will also be available.
Additional information can be found on the www.FNCFSreform.ca website.
For further information or questions regarding the SCA, please contact Finn Simard, Director of Social Services at Finn.Simard@coo.org.
Meeting Materials
Ontario Caucus Agenda
Download the COO Ontario Caucus Agenda
AFN SCA Agenda
Download the AFN SCA Agenda
LTR FA Summary Booklet
Summary Booklet for the Long-Term Reform of the FNCFS Program Final Agreement
Frequently Asked Questions about the Long-Term Reform Final Agreement
Funding Profile Template
Download the FNCFS Funding Profile Template
FNCFS Terms and Conditions
Download the FNCFS Terms and Conditions
Support Contact Information
For additional information , please email Tyler Gary, Communications Officer, Social Services Sector at tyler.gary@coo.org.