Chiefs of Ontario

Fall Chiefs Assembly

This website will be updated regularly. Please check back frequently for updates.

Save the Date

The Chiefs of Ontario (COO) will be hosting a Fall Chiefs Assembly (FCA) in Thunder Bay, Ontario, on November 19-21, 2024, and will be hosted in a hybrid format. Stay tuned for further information and registration details, which will be forthcoming in the following weeks.

Dates: November 19-21, 2024

Location: Hybrid, Valhalla Hotel and Conference Centre, Thunder Bay, ON & Virtual Option

Registration: Coming Soon!

 Meeting Materials - Assembly Documents

Meeting Materials

  • Resolutions Notice - 1st Call

    To facilitate a more efficient and effective resolution process, resolutions for consideration at an Assembly must be received five (5) days in advance as set out in a Call for Resolutions to all Ontario First Nations – in this case, Thursday November 7, 2024.

  • Resolutions Template

    Download resolutions template here

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