Chiefs of Ontario and Six Nations of the Grand River
Annual Chiefs Assembly & Regional Chief Election
“Coming Together: Advocating for First Nations Sovereignty”
This website will be updated regularly. Please check back frequently for updates.
Save the Date
The Chiefs of Ontario and Six Nations of the Grand River will host the Annual Chiefs Assembly (ACA) and Regional Chief Election on June 11-13, 2024. Please note that Traditional Election Processes will be in place, as listed in the Charter of Chiefs of Ontario.
Provisional Agenda (last updated June 9, 2024) – Download
Live stream: @ChiefsOfOntario/streams
Location: Six Nations Sports and Cultural Memorial Centre
1738 Fourth Line, Ohsweken, ON N0A 1M0 (Map here)
Please note that that all voting for the Ontario Regional Chief and resolutions will be in-person only.
There will be no online voting available.
Registration: coo.smudging.ca
Assembly Documents
Accommodations and travel information can be found in the Notice.
Assembly Updates and Resources
Economic Development
Electoral Rules and Traditional Election Processes
Electoral Rules for the Office of the Ontario Regional Chief and Traditional Election Process
Appendix A, Charter of Chiefs of Ontario, June 2022
The election this year will be conducted by Gordon “Chop” Waindubence and Gary Dokis. Please view the Election Process memo for more information.
Social Events
Events hosted by SNGR (Tradeshow, Lacrosse, and Gala)
Six Nations Tourism, Historic Site Tour, Monday, June 10, 2024, 5 to 7 PM!To secure a spot, please contact, Chelsea Noiles at sntcoordinator3@sixnations.ca
Dialogue Session
The Chiefs of Ontario hosted a dialogue session on Friday May 31, from 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 pm. EDT, prior to the 2024 Annual Chiefs Assembly to provide timely updates on the following topics: 1) Health Equity, 2) Mining - Duty to Consult and the Mining Lands Administration System (MLAS), and 3) Child Welfare Long Term Reform - FNCFS Final Settlement Agreement.
For inquiries regarding Health, please reach out to Megan Logan, Health Policy Analysyt at Megan.Logan@coo.org. For inquires, regarding Mining, please reach out to Annabelle MacRae, Policy Analyst at Annabelle.MacRae@coo.org. For inquiries regarding Child Welfare, please out to Fallon Andy, Interim Associate Director at fallon.andy@coo.org.
Support Contact Information
For questions or further information, please contact: meetingsupport@coo.org
For questions regarding the Tradeshow, please contact Chelsea Noiles, Six Nations Tourism Office: sntcoordinator3@sixnations.ca
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