Chiefs of Ontario

Leadership Information Session - Long-Term Reform of the FNCFS program

This website will be updated regularly. Please check back frequently for updates.

Save the Date

Please note that the COO Special Chiefs Assembly (SCA) originally scheduled for September 10-11 will be postponed. This time will instead be used as an information session for Leadership only.

The Chiefs of Ontario will be hosting a Leadership Information Session on the Long-term reform of the First Nations Children and Family Services (FNCFS) program on September 10 via Zoom. Ontario First Nations Leadership will have the opportunity to learn more about proposed long-term reform, including benefits and implications for Ontario First Nations, innovations in funding and program delivery, and more.

Proxies are required to fill out a proxy letter signed by their Chiefs and returned to Hayley Lucas, Interim Manager: Policy & Government Relations, at The Proxy Letter template is available below in Meeting Materials.

Date & Time:

  • September 10, 10:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. EST

Location: Virtual via Zoom.

Registration: (Leadership is required to register to attend the session)

  • Upon registration, you will receive a Zoom link via email to attend the information session.

  • If you have already registered for the Special Chiefs Assembly, you do not need to re-register for the Leadership Information Session. Your registration will be automatically transferred. If you have not yet registered and wish to attend, please complete the registration process at

Please continue to check back regularly, as this site will be updated with important documentation leading up to the sessions.

Meeting Materials

  • Agenda

    Download the Leadership Information Session Agenda

  • LTR FA Summary Booklet

    Summary Booklet for the Long-Term Reform of the FNCFS Program Final Agreement

  • SCA Proxy Letter

    Download the SCA Proxy Letter

  • FAQ

    Frequently Asked Questions about the Long-Term Reform Final Agreement

  • OKT Presentation

    OKT Presentation - Leadership Information Sessions on LTR of the FNCFS Program -

    September 10, 2024

Support Contact Information

  • For additional information , please email Tyler Gary, Communications Officer, Social Services Sector at